12th Nov 2018| Posted by: Phil Haley

Your Financial Future

We want you to get a great start in 2019 on securing your financial future.

If you are not confident of winning lotto any time soon then perhaps you should consider what I am proposing.

Just about everyone I know has an idea as to where they might like to retire to so my question is why not buy there now! Alternatively, if you intend your current home is your “forever” home then what I am discussing here still applies to you. 

Anyone that has lived in their home for 7 years or more should have sufficient equity in the property, to be able to release enough of their equity to cover 20% deposit and out of pockets for land purchase and construction of an investment property, preferably a dual key or duplex. 

Favoured locations include the Central Coast, Newcastle and within 40km of Brisbane City.

The balance of funds required will be secured by the investment property. It will be likely that the rental achieved will cover the holding and maintenance costs of all borrowings including equity release. As new homes still qualify for ongoing depreciation deductions and these can be claimed during the tax year the net result should be extra income in your pocket each pay day.

I am happy to run through the financial side of these opportunities at my office or prospective client’s home.

We can and will take care of everything except you choose the property to invest in.

Call me 0412 355 020

Let's Talk